Blah Blah etc...
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My co-worker told me a funny story today about something that happened over the holiday weekend. Co-worker went 'down the shore' (meaning to the shore in NJ) to her boyfriend's parents' beach house. They have spent time every summer at this beach house for several years and have become acquainted with their neighbors. Co-worker reported that she and boyfriend were enjoying the day outside on Monday... sitting in the hot tub... eating bbq... etc... Just general lazing around. Then she heard the following, "Whooaaa... [thump]," from the neighbors' lawn. Come to find out said neighbor had had too much to drink and had fallen out of the hammock. It happened three times. I laughed out loud for quite a while. Still giggling thinking about it. People falling out of hammocks... that's funny stuff. I can call up that feeling in my body that I get right as I realize I am about to be dumped out of a hammock... you know, that feeling where you have absolutely no control over where your body is about to go coupled with the feeling that you are too stupid to stay in a hammock. Yep... still funny.
In other news:
1. First baby shower. This weekend. How do I feel? (you may be wondering) Pretty excited actually. Also a little nervous for whatever reason. We have already started getting stuff delivered to the house from people who can't make it. Stroller, bottles, diaper bag, packages I am not allowed to open and that don't have descriptions on the front...
2. Friend who'd been on maternity leave returned to work this week. Glad to have her back. It really does make a difference who is in the office.
3. E is 3 months old now. (as of last week) There is a group of families in ETH right now, and one of the mothers is going to take pictures of him for me.
4. Another group was announced for travel mid-June. I think we may be in the next group... which would put us mid to late July.