So, while here in AR, I have been hearing and reading about
this proposed ban on 'unmarried couples' being allowed to foster or adopt children within the state.
I think this is stupid and in the end detrimental to children. If all 80,ooo+ people who signed their names to the petition to get the ban on the ballot were involved in fostering or adopting the children who need it in Arkansas, this would be a non-issue because firstly, the children would be taken care of, and, secondly, they would care so much about the children that they wouldn't make dumb (discriminatory) stipulations about who is and isn't able to care for the children. But, I am guessing that most of these people are more interested in discriminating against gays and lesbians than making sure children have stable and supportive homes. Mind you, after going through an adoption process myself, I have experienced the kind of rigor with which adoptive and foster parents are screened, poked, prodded, and prepared to parent children--much more than many (heterosexual) biological parents.
End of rant.
Ok. One more thing. Call it what it is, people. Don't say "ban on unmarried couples fostering/adopting" say, "ban on gays and lesbians fostering/adopting." This is what is really happening.