Music and Meaning...
10:13 PM Posted In waiting Edit This 2 Comments »As you might have read on J's blog, we spontaneously went into NYC on Monday night to see the last MTO show ever to take place at Tonic in its current Lower East Side location. I had a couple of thoughts related to our upcoming life with baby during our little trip to the city.
First, wow... will we be able to take spontaneous trips like this when we have an adorable little parasite attached to us? It will be difficult, but I really do think that if anyone can, it will be us. I am fully dedicated to being "those parents." (The ones with the baby at musical events, movies, museums, and cool restaurants.) (I know, I know... this brings a whole other debate up about if having kids in these places ruins the experiences for other people, but that is for another time and place...)
The second, and somewhat more profound, thought I had was while we were at the concert. I have often struggled with bringing another human into the world when there are so many horrible things going on. So many people are intolerant. Wars. Poverty. But, as I was listening to some fabulous music, I was struck by the immense amount of beauty and love there is in the world. I became intensely excited to share experiences of these positive attributes of the world with our baby. Everyone around was so happy. We were happy. Isn't that a great thing to pass on?
Or..... you could leave the Bebe with Gma CC :)
Love you
Kat, I was at your parents' house today for Ashley Kellum's wedding shower. She told me that you and Justin hope to be parents soon! I almost cried to think about how blessed your child will be to have such caring parents. I'm so very proud of you and will be praying that all the arrangements will go smoothly. Your mom gave me the address to your blog. I think she's just a little bit excited. God bless you and Justin and precious baby Burton! Love you, Marlea
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