
6:31 PM Posted In Edit This 6 Comments »
Check out these two maps:

This one is your typical map. One that is (at least mostly) current. That you could find anywhere.

This one is proportionally correct. The continents are sized correctly according to the land area actually covered by each continent.

Notice a difference? Anyone care to speculate why?

(These maps and comparison were brought to you by Wide Horizons monthly waiting parent email.)

I am not a pretty girl.

7:09 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

We went with friends to see one of my favorite girl-with-guitar singers last night. I try to pinpoint what it is that I love about Ani and I think it comes down to empowerment. Her lyrics speak of idyllic equality, tolerance, and love in all forms. There are so many songs that speak the words that I hope to embed in the heart of our baby. Another thing that I enjoy about Ani concerts is that as a woman I am the majority. I am the one with power. This is nothing compared to how my child may feel in a room full of African Americans or walking the streets of Harlem, but a maybe a glimpse. That thought makes me appreciate the experience all the more.

Besides that... going anywhere with Justin, Amy, and Ernie is time well spent. Amy is pregnant with their first, a little boy. He danced in utero throughout the entire concert!

J's Birthday: Celebrated.

10:31 PM Posted In , Edit This 3 Comments »

This weekend, we celebrated J's birthday by embracing our childlessness and venturing into the city for hang-out time with friends and a baseball game. (Note: J's birthday isn't until August, but the Reds and Mets didn't want to change their schedule just to fit in with our birthday plans, so the celebration had to take place early.) Fourteen of our baseball-loving friends and family joined us for Czech food and fun at Bohemian Hall and the Mets vs. Reds at Shea Stadium. Even though the Reds didn't pull out a victory, we still had a great time. As I've thought to myself at all of our big events this year, maybe this time next year the baby will be here... :) But, I must admit, I only thought that for a minute yesterday. There wasn't much time for dwelling on adoption issues or even envisioning what it might be like to deal with a tired child during an evening baseball game. (smile.)

Yes, that is a large Kielbasa and rye bread. Mmm, Czech delicacies.

J keeps score. This year he got himself a score keeping book and has charted all of the games that he has been to during the summer. We might have made fun of him for being a nerd, but I secretly think it's kind of cool.

Thanks to all of the friends who attended, facilitated, and had a good time.

In real news: Happy birthday to our friend (and current roommate):
S. B. (eaux). Glad to know you and hope it is a great year.

White Beaches

3:58 PM Posted In , , Edit This 6 Comments »

Last week, we went to Florida to see my grandparents. My granddad had multiple by-pass surgery two weeks ago and has had a difficult time recovering. He is still on the ventilator (after a week) which is a bit scary, and has been sedated because of this. The doctors say that his surgery was successful, but his lungs haven't been cooperating since the surgery. Thanks to all of you who wrote me encouraging emails when we left in a whirlwind to go down to see him and support my grandmother. Granddad is stable, but not out of the woods. My parents are coming home from teaching in Greece to help my grandmother and be with my granddad as he continues to recover and begin the rehabilitation process. (He's been laying in a hospital bed w/o moving for over a week, so the rehab will be intensive.)

While we were in Florida, we did get to spend a couple of hours on the beaches of the beautiful Anna Maria Island (just outside of Bradenton). I have always loved this beach. The water is clear and blue; the sand is snow white and crunches under your feet. However, this time, I noticed that all the people on the beach there are white! I think I saw maybe one Latina woman with her child. Otherwise, white, white, and more white. I guess this is just the beginning of my racial awareness. When we go to visit (which we will!), our child will likely be the only person of color on the beach. At what point will he or she notice?

In other news: We are going to a Mets/Reds baseball game this weekend for Justin's birthday. 14 of our friends are coming, too! This should be a blast!

Gramma Carol has been buying and looking at baby stuff all over Greece and Egypt. I know for a fact that Baby Burton already has a shirt that says, "My gramma went to Greece, and all I got was this shirt." (or something to that effect:))