
10:04 AM Edit This 3 Comments »
I am and will continue to be disappointed in Arkansas because of this. I am and will continue to be disappointed in the conservative church of my youth because of things like this. I view this as very poorly thought through and based on ignorance.



Anonymous said...

I completely agree with your sentiment... it is incredibly disheartening that it is still acceptable in our country to legislate bigotry. That's really what it is, no matter what spin you try to put on it (e.g. holding up some higher, moral code). Why don't the lawmakers and voters in AR, CA, and other states just come out and SAY what it REALLY was all about: exclusivity. How will they know we are Christians? Oh, right, by being better than them.

Admittedly, I need to work on my prejudice against prejudiced people.

Jennifer Hanson said...

So when will these married, mother and father Christian couples in Arkansas step up to be foster families to the many, many children in Arkansas needing families?

Ashley said...

dude, we are like the laughing stock of america because of this!