A Must Have...
1:27 PM Edit This 5 Comments »So, an election day post is a must have for me this year. In my family, we don't talk politics. I don't even think my parents ever actually came out and said who they voted for (it can always be assumed that they voted Republican, but maybe there are some surprises in there mom and dad?). J's family is a little bit the same. They did actually verbalize their Republican support this year. But in our new family of three, we are loud and proud Obama fans. J's been in the Obama boat since O's speech in 2004, and I not long after. We've been those sappy, teary-eyed, t-shirt wearing, bumper magnet sporting, discuss it over dinner, the-rest-of-our-family-members-are-tired-of-us people. Poor Adu... he's going to have out-and-out activist parents before he can talk!
So--the plan for the day is this:
+Go vote as a family. (check! it was TOO cute to see Adu's little feet dangling under the voting booth curtain as he helped J press the button to cast his vote!)
+Wear our Obama gear. (it was not visible at the polls and J's is covered up for his class.) Adu's rocking the O Baby onesie, me Michelle Obama's Self Made Woman, and J's Barak Obama GoTellMama shirt. sweet.
+Color in Electoral College maps, predicting how we think the States will go.
+Eat Blackeyed Peas for good luck! (along with chicken strips and J's homemade mac and cheese)
+Watch the returns and (hopefully) party with friends. (Champagne anyone?)
If all things don't go as planned--if the HOPEful one doesn't win--we will be in mourning. I might have to get J some anti-depressants while I hold the family together. I honestly don't know how we'll react.
So--here's to a GOOD night!!
Here's to a good night...
Good night- don't let the bed bugs bite... :) Glad that you and J and Em voted together! I think we all voted in this family today, and that is a good thing. It's all groovy.
Hugs to you and good night CC
hooray!!!!!!!!!!!! we are celebrating here too! :)
love you
hooray! celebrations all around!
I don't know about you, but I actually cried I was so happy!
I'm glad your family can continue to live in peace and harmony. It truly was an amazing day. I'm proud to be an American. Hope you drank some champagne for me :).
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