Funny Names

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Ok. So, J was on the phone with our doctor's office yesterday, trying to get Adu an appointment for a Flu Shot. Well, you see, we haven't taken Adu to our doctor yet because we've continued to see Dr. Aronson (and probably will until we can't afford it or she kicks us out of her practice), but we do plan on making our doctor Adu's primary care physician so that we have somewhere close to take him if we need to. But, because we haven't done this yet, the nice nurse at the doctor's office was explaining to J that insurance won't cover both places and we should try to get the Flu Shot with Aronson. You should know that Adu's legal official name currently is Adugna (AHH-doon-yah) Justin Burton because that is how the courts roll in Ethiopia. After he's been here with us 6 months, we'll go to U.S. court and have his name changed to Emmett Adugna Firew Burton (the name we already call him at home). Doctors' offices, though, use the legal name. Most places just look at the name, look at you, and admit that they don't know how to say it or badly butcher it. This nurse nicely decided that she would dive in and say his name with confidence. She didn't pause, didn't skip a beat when she said, "If you bring Ganuda here, the insurance won't pay for him to see Dr. Aronson anymore."

Ganuda. Ganuda makes me giggle. We decided that it sounds like a cheese (Gouda?) or a pasta dish. Try it... say it out loud... Ganuda. (Gan-ooo-dah). You'll smile too.


Diane Burton said...

Just looking at my precious makes me smile, so I don't mind that the nurse couldn't pronounce his name - we weren't too sure when we first saw "Adugna" either.

Great pics with your grandmother.
Grandma Diane :)

Diane Burton said...

Just looking at my precious makes me smile, so I don't mind that the nurse couldn't pronounce his name - we weren't too sure when we first saw "Adugna" either.

Great pics with your grandmother.
Grandma Diane :)

Holly said...

Pasta, definitely. Or a band? Like Menudo? :-)

Sallie said...

he is so cute! I want to EAT his face! is that appropriate?

great grantini said...

Hi: Great to see another adoptive family with a boy named Adugna. We received our Adugna about four weeks ago and I couldn't agree more on the stories about pronounciation. I have landed on, "Adugna, just like lasagna!" Seems to work. Best wishes to you and your family. (BTW: We are using Dr. Aronson, too. Two Adugnas for Dr. Aronson!).