Adoption News.

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First, I wanted to announce that as of Tuesday, we will be in our 9th month! Wow! Time has really flown by. I hope it continues to do so!

Second, I wanted to keep you guys up to date on some news in the world of International Adoptions. Below is an excerpt from an email that I received from Adoptive Families Magazine.

"Guatemalan President Oscar Berger has announced plans to suspend all intercountry adoption with American families on January 1 2008. The Joint Council on International Children's Services strongly opposes such a suspension and asks for your support in their efforts to ensure that all children retain the right to permanency through Intercountry Adoption.

President Berger's plans also call for the suspension of adoptions currently in-process. Such a suspension would be extremely detrimental to the children referred to adoptive parents. If President Berger's plan is actually implemented, up to 5,000 will unnecessarily remain in foster care or orphanages indefinitely.

This situation represents a pending crisis for the adoptive families who have lovingly chosen to provide permanency, safety and love to a child in need and most importantly a crisis for 5,000 children of Guatemala."

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I really hope that the families who have already been matched will be allowed to bring their babies home!

Also, I wanted to let any of you pre-adoptive parents out there know that you really should be getting Adoptive Families magazine. If you are even THINKING about adopting, this is really a great resource. It is published every other month and runs about $25 per year. It has great articles spanning from pre-adoptive waiting to post-adoptive issues with school and development. It is a great way to stay connected to the adoptive community and feel like you are not the only family out there who has been through this amazing experience.


Josh and Marcie said...

Thank you so much for blogging about this. I am glad you mentioned the magazine because that would be great for now and the future. I knew the possibility of guatemala, but I was hoping things would work out there. That is why Josh and I did not go there. I just feel for those families who have been through the process. I hope and pray they can still get their child.