Oh yeah... BTW...

3:24 PM Edit This 6 Comments »
I got my Masters degree in the mail the other day.

A few years of work to open up the mail box and find a half smooshed, definitely bent envelope with a piece of paper for my trouble.

The most anti-climactic Masters degree ever.


Holly said...

congrats anyway, chica! That is awesome news! Can't wait to be celebrating that news in this fam in 2 yrs. Then maybe it'll be my turn :-)

Jennifer Hanson said...

I felt the same way when my master's degree arrived a few years ago. Since I didn't go to the graduation ceremony and just got the paper in the mail, it seemed surreal that the experience even happened. I don't even know where the paper is now.

amber said...

hey congrats kat! maybe to make you feel better...i lost my phd diploma either when i filed our other important papers in the trash during our move or i lost it amongst the moth ball boxes now in storage-- and wouldn't you know the singaporian government just asked me for it last month for 'proof' i actually have my degree! um, yes, you hired me as a POSTDOC TWO YEARS ago, but nevermind...

so yay for hard work and pathetic pieces of paper to verify all the reasons we now have gray hair. apparently those diplomas are important.

im so proud of you! :)

J and H Holland said...

Congrats. I know the feeling. I got mine about 7 weeks after I finished. Graduation day just didn't seem the same without having a piece of paper to go with it. But you are done; and that is what matters. Stinks that yours was bent. But now you have Emmett to look forward to which makes everything worth it.
Heather Holland

Josh and Marcie said...

Yahoo! Now you don't have to spend your precious time working on papers rather you will be spending your time with Emmett. Congrats!

Ashley said...

well said! i walked across the stage at my masters graduation and everyone LAUGHED! (i was 9.5 months pregnant) then i had my baby 13 days later and never even took my licensing exam!! congrats!