dedication sunday

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Carol said...

It makes me tear up to see the pictures and read the pledges of those who were with Emmett on his dedication day. Not just tear up because I couldn't be there but to be touched by all those wonderful people who will be there to help him love the Lord and serve him all the days of his life. It is a hard thing to live far away from children and grandchildren, but I do not dread living away from them due to worry about the surroundings and support they have only the miles in between that keep me from special times and smiles. I love you all for being there for this special day and everyday. See you son Gma CC

Diane Burton said...

I wish I could have been there, too. I'm like Gma CC - I have tears in my eyes as I read your pledge and commitment to have our sweet grandson to grow in the Lord and to be like Him. The pictures are great and we are so thankful for the friends you have made while in NJ. It does make it hard being so far away - thank you for posting pictures and videos. I love the picture where he is raised up on Steven's leg and smiling at Jennie - so cute! I am so excited about getting to come to NJ soon. Love you, Grandma Diane :)