The Baby's Age

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As many of you already know, we have requested to adopt an 'infant.' In the world of international adoption, infant is defined as 0-12 months of age. We requested this age because we want to be part of all of the firsts that our child will go through. We also knew that after this age, language and communication would become more and more of an issue.

Also, it is important to note that the baby will be between 0 to 12 months of age at the time of REFERRAL, not necessarily at the time we go to pick him or her up! There is usually 6 to 10 weeks that passes between when you get the referral and when you travel to pick up the baby. So, the real age range that is probable for our baby when we get him or her home is 4.5 months to 13 months.

I have recently been thinking about how our day to day lives will change once the baby is here. Some days I think I am definitely not ready!! Other days, I look forward to being able to cook for three instead of two, watching our child learn and grow, and getting to experience this new chapter with J. I do have an, probably idealistic, idea about how we will still do all the same things we do now like host weekly parties based around a TV show, take quick weekend trips, and catch a train to NYC without a plan! Basically, I don't want the baby to make us... old... :)

Lucky for us, we know that no matter what age our child is when he or she comes into our family, he or she already has a family and friends waiting. Grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts and uncles will all be around to support us through this transition.

On another subject: I have decided to write my master's thesis on Racial Development in Transracially Adopted Children... My advisor even approved it!


Holly said...

I thought about that a lot, too, how 'my baby may already be born' or 'my baby may not be born yet!' the end, she was born before we even got our fingerprint approval! C'est la vie...
Thanks for the link to our blog, by the way, and thanks to Justin for restarting Popcorn and Goobers! yay!