Fabulous Library

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There will be a more substantive post later this week. We've been on vacation in New Hampshire for the past few days and my classes begin this week, so I've been a bit out of the loop.

For now, I would like to leave you with two websites for fabulous children's books. I will eventually strive to make sure my kids' library is well-balanced, but as of now I am fascinated by books for children that promote global literacy and of course that showcase adoption related themes.

This bookstore/website was first presented to us at the Transracial Adoption Conference that we attended last fall at St. John's University in NYC. Tapestry Books carries mostly adoption related books, but you non-adoptive parents that read can find some cool books about diversity as well.

The second is called Barefoot Books. Their books are multi-cultural. This website/store was shared with me by my fabulous sister-in-law who is going to make an even more fabulous aunt. She happens to be a librarian that works for a cool non-profit called Primary Source.


QB said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. Blogs like yours are such an invaluable resource.

*K* said...


I am glad that you like it. I am also glad that you commented... it allowed me to become aware of your blog! You have a great way of writing about the challenges we waiting parents face!