April Showers bring May... babies??

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So, I got my first email asking about when we might like to have a baby shower. And, what 'kind' of shower we'd like to have. I must admit I feel pretty conflicted. On one hand, I really want a traditional baby shower. Little petit fors, punch, women oohing and aahing over dainty baby clothes and accessories... maybe games?? (Okay... I may have to draw the line at games...) But, a 'money tree' shower would probably be the most practical. And, even more selfless than that, would be a shower that some how incorporated donations to the orphanage in Ethiopia that will be home to our child before we get to claim him or her.

I have been trying to decide why it is so hard for me to just go with the money tree shower. This won't be the only shower that is thrown for us and Baby B. We definitely could use the money for plane tickets, accommodations in Ethiopia, and ... I don't know... diapers or something. But, I think the reason why I feel a little sad about it is because it marks one more way that our situation is different than 'the norm.' The reasons behind having a money tree shower really include the following: we don't know if the baby is a boy or girl, we don't know the age, we don't the know the season of his or her arrival... And that is difficult for people. It is difficult for me. It is difficult to prepare for all of those unknowns.

I can feel people around us getting antsy. They are asking when Baby B is going to come. Why is it taking so long? What has the agency told you? And, I have no answers. He or she will come when she comes. The reasons for the long wait are complicated. The agency doesn't have much control, so they haven't said anything new. I think the waiting would be easier if no one else knew we were waiting... (says the girl with the blog...)


Carol said...

I say leave the shower gift option open for people. People that are going to plan a shower for you are people that love you and know you and JJ and your needs. They are going to be individuals who want to bless you monetarily and also know the joy of the baby items that every new mom and dad looks forward too. I know when Terri C. had asked about the shower here we had kind of talked about that in general terms. It will be a wonderful time! A time for you and JJ to start your family and for you to bring Caroldiane into our lives. Can't wait. whenever it is.... hugs hugs

*K* said...

Yes, but... the people that are planning the shower asked what kind of shower we would like to have. That is really what I am discussing in this post. It is not that I think that we won't get what we need, but more that what we need is different than what people who have bio kids need.

Holly said...

i would guess that even at a money tree shower, people won't be able to resist giving you a little something fun along with the money, to give you something to open, to ooh and ahh over. Alternatively, just tell the shower-givers to wait till after your referral. You'll have enough time inbetween then and travel to get items that will fit (or fit eventually!) and gather donations to take with you.

Lauren said...

I'm coming in a bit late to the game here, but I agree with Holly - or, if timing doesn't work out right, you could even have it AFTER you get your baby. Here we call them "sip 'n sees," but it's basically just a shower after the baby arrives. Or, since you think you will probably have multiple showers, maybe a money tree shower now (and I agree, I'm sure there will be gifts at the money tree shower) and a "real" shower after Baby B gets here? And, there's no reason you can't have petit fors and stupid shower games at a money tree shower!