You know you're a parent when...

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You hear the baby fart/poop and in unison with your partner yell, "Yay!!" because you were just contemplating what to do about baby constipation. Or... you yell across the house "He did it!" and your partner comes running because he knows this means that the baby rolled over all by himself.

Or you get Salmonella from your kid and don't hold it against him... for long... :) That is what the sickness is/was--Salmonella. It turns out that after going to the doctor and getting the 'take immodium' advice, and still feeling really poorly several days later and finally asking your child's doctor (who is fabulous)--you find out that your kid's stool samples came back positive for salmonella (among other things) and that ALL your symptoms fit in with a case of salmonella. So, you take Cipro because you already have it in your medicine cabinet. And, your kid gets to take liquid Cipro, too. (This just in... Gramma CC also got prescribed Cipro as she is still not quite right after spending two weeks with her grandson.) Cipro is like magic.

So, all in all, now that I am feeling better I would say that we are adjusting pretty well. We've had a couple of days alone at the house (no parents or house guests) and nothing has fallen apart, the baby is still living, and we are still happily married. Friday we have our first post-placement visit then we head into NYC for a weekend in Queens (and Brooklyn) re-celebrating my birthday since I was out of commission for the actual event. Then, Sunday, Aunt Jenn comes to stay for a few days.


Anonymous said...

"Queens (and Brooklyn)"

Don't you mean... "(Queens) AND BROOKLYN!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!" Haha--too much? :)

So about more important things--I loved these two posts. You guys are doing great handling everything. I can't even pronounce some of the medicines E is taking--let alone be able to remember what all he needs everyday! You two are practically old pros, aren't you?