Randomness for J's Birthday.

10:10 AM Edit This 5 Comments »
the sandals will probably not make it this summer :)
5 1/2 months of cuteness.

the plan is to go to Makeda's for birthday lunch. peanut makes it a little harder to stick to plan, but hopefully we'll get it together. other things on the agenda: my bathtub hasn't been cleaned in weeks (maybe a month?) and is getting dis-gus-ting, laundry needs to be addressed, i need to find out what is In The Fridge, thank you notes?, Jenn leaves, Clay arrives, geez does life slow down?


Ashley said...

it is amazing how much of an issue the bathroom, laundry, and fridge becomes....i mean, what ELSE do you have to do all day when you just stay at home with your kid??

Sallie said...

he is eat-up-able!!! love that picture!!!

Jennifer Hanson said...

I love the spit up on my sandals and his shorts in the first pic!

Ashley said...

dude, i know! i am totally working on it, but these two kids have got me cross-eyed with exhaustion! i just finished picking out the pictures from our trip, so a big one should be coming soon! i am loving all your new pictures and stories! how are you loving being a mom? i am really hoping to make it on the 17th, but if not i will mail you your maya wrap! E is sooo cute! can't wait to see him in person!

Holly said...

these pictures are really fun. Love his different expressions!

Ahh, bathroom cleaning. Goes by the wayside more than we'd like to admit, too.

I liked the free association thing - I could def relate to it all (well, except the boy part of course!) Glad you are starting to feel like you are getting your feet under you a little more. I'm sure being WELL helps!! Wish we could be there to help with the little things. Why can't you just get yourselves a job in sunny CO??!! :-) Miss you.