
10:42 AM Edit This 5 Comments »
My current thoughts:

1. Is Em ready to go down to one nap? It takes longer to put him down, he does still seem tired, but he remains in pretty good spirits either way...

2. Why is Ken Starr trying to forcibly legally divorce the same sex couples who were married in California? I mean, we are talking 18,000 people here (or marriages, I forget)--but more than that we are talking about a whole lot of families. Not just grown ups making decisions, but kids who have to watch their grown ups be sad that something important has been taken away. Why do we always think about the kids last? This is not, to me, very Christianly.

3. I am settling in on the idea that there won't be a job for J this year in academia. And that it isn't personal--has nothing to do with his abilities as a teacher or scholar... We counted it up. There were half as many postings in his field this year as last year. At least 10-15% of those schools have since posted 'failed searches' due to hiring freezes and economic concerns. A good percentage of the total number of jobs did not even apply to what Justin studies anyway. Plus, a lot of people we know are putting out new people this year. So, it'd be good to stick around and meet them. Also, J's lucky enough to already have adjunct stuff lined up for next year anyway. Meh...

4. One party down, one to go. C & L's baby shower was yesterday and I think it went well. Everyone ate the food, laughed at the 'game,' and C & L got a lot of good loot. (including this machine that steams and blends foods... all in one... ahhh, if i'd only had that when i was making baby food...) Em's b-day party is Saturday, this week. Wow. I need to start thinking about how that's going to go.

5. My bro is bringing a girl to my house (we hope). Cool. Can't wait to judge... I mean meet... her!!

Em's current 'checking back' position of choice. Too cute.
We've been practicing eating cake. (first pic is at C &L's shower, 2nd in Boston)


Holly said...

pics are sooo cute! I'd love to know more about that machine that makes food, if you get a chance to find out what it's called!
Bummer about Justin, but do hope it means that we get a chance to see you this year! I'll be on leave for all of April/May....

Jennifer Hanson said...

The baby food machine is from Williams Sonoma. It's so cute! They also have a cookbook that goes with it called Cooking for Baby and has recipes for up to 18 months. The machine is currently featured on Williams-Sonoma homepage.


Diane Burton said...

I love the pictures of Emmett Adu eating the cake - have really enjoyed the video Jennifer did while we were in Boston. Can't wait to have b'day cake with him in Searcy - I'm counting the days till we see ya'll again.
Love you,
Glama Diane

ljmiller said...

We moved to a once a day nap routine at about 13 or 14 months with Teddy. For a while he was quite tired in the late morning early afternoon. To accomodate, we would just plan our morning for higher energy activities early in the am and more relaxing stuff later in the morning, like reading. The move to a single nap definitely made putting him to sleep much much easier and he often took epic naps at first. Now, at 17 months, his single afternoon nap lasts an hour, on average. But he still steeps 7pm to 7:30am most days.

Anonymous said...

We still know someone that could possibly help Justin in his search, just let us know if you would like for him to call you guys. The pics are too stinking cute. I can't believe E is 1 and we still haven't met him....how does your guys April look?