White Beaches

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Last week, we went to Florida to see my grandparents. My granddad had multiple by-pass surgery two weeks ago and has had a difficult time recovering. He is still on the ventilator (after a week) which is a bit scary, and has been sedated because of this. The doctors say that his surgery was successful, but his lungs haven't been cooperating since the surgery. Thanks to all of you who wrote me encouraging emails when we left in a whirlwind to go down to see him and support my grandmother. Granddad is stable, but not out of the woods. My parents are coming home from teaching in Greece to help my grandmother and be with my granddad as he continues to recover and begin the rehabilitation process. (He's been laying in a hospital bed w/o moving for over a week, so the rehab will be intensive.)

While we were in Florida, we did get to spend a couple of hours on the beaches of the beautiful Anna Maria Island (just outside of Bradenton). I have always loved this beach. The water is clear and blue; the sand is snow white and crunches under your feet. However, this time, I noticed that all the people on the beach there are white! I think I saw maybe one Latina woman with her child. Otherwise, white, white, and more white. I guess this is just the beginning of my racial awareness. When we go to visit (which we will!), our child will likely be the only person of color on the beach. At what point will he or she notice?

In other news: We are going to a Mets/Reds baseball game this weekend for Justin's birthday. 14 of our friends are coming, too! This should be a blast!

Gramma Carol has been buying and looking at baby stuff all over Greece and Egypt. I know for a fact that Baby Burton already has a shirt that says, "My gramma went to Greece, and all I got was this shirt." (or something to that effect:))


Holly said...

I noticed pretty much the same thing at Island Beach State Park this weekend -- mostly white, at least around where we were sitting. I think we are more aware than our children will be until they are school age. But it's something we struggle with a lot when thinking about possibly going back to Colorado for good some day. Where do we live so that she isn't the only African American in the school?

Anonymous said...

I, too, have noticed mostly whites on beaches whether in Mich., Fla., or islands in Caribbean. Water and sand is fun for all. Just go and enjoy. Do not make an issue of it. Children play together whereever they are and whatever color. Glad you are home and parents will soon be in Fla.

*K* said...

Who are you, anonymous commenter? :)

I do think that children are beautifully unaware of racial baggage! However, I have heard many adult adoptees who say they wish that their white parents would have given them a more multi-racial environment during their growing up years. There is something to being exposed to people of all colors when a child is developing his or her racial identity, so... I have started paying attention to those things. But, I do realize that visiting grandparents no matter where they are will be more important than always being at a racially diverse beach.

Anonymous said...

funny you noticed that on Anna Maria. Over the years my cousin and I used to get so excited when we saw a black person there! we felt at home in a way, but then became sad that there were one in a thousand.
but also...my experience with black folk is that they dont like the beach that much. alot of them are not looking to get a sun tan/burn they really think it is ludicrous that we do this to ourselves. kinda is in a way.
anyway, just a thought

Anonymous said...

Yes, CD does have a onesie that says my gramma went to greece and brought me this t shirt!
and I was proud to buy it. i also bought another cute
little something. It is fun to be the gma to be!!!
Love to you all
Gma Carol

Anonymous said...

hey sweet kat

how is your grandpa doing now? am thinking of you and your family...
